Dynamically Navigating the Changing Currents
Brittan Leiser Brittan Leiser

Dynamically Navigating the Changing Currents

Our investment process was built to navigate the twists, turns, and surprises of a more volatile investment landscape. The world has fundamentally changed. The long economic cycles of the past are just that, a thing of the past. Going forward we believe cycles will be more muted and shorter. In this new environment, being dynamic, diversified, disciplined, focused on risk and armed with a broader set of tools will be imperative.

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A Solid Rock in Turbulent Waters
Brittan Leiser Brittan Leiser

A Solid Rock in Turbulent Waters

Our favorite summation of SCA so far was in an e-mail from one of our new clients: “I’m coming on board with Stone Creek, a solid rock in turbulent waters.” Marc and I immediately looked at each other and said, “I think she just gave us our tag-line”. Much easier to roll off the tongue than “Strength and dynamism in a changing world.”

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